tirsdag den 25. juni 2013

Sunset last night.

Det var vores solnedgang igår aftes heroppe i Bråde, Vestsjælland. Ret imponerende at se. Over halvdelen af himlen var sådan en dyp rød/orange.

mandag den 24. juni 2013

Home, sweet home!

Så er jeg endelig hjemme! Kom hjem igår og har slappet af og pakket ud. Er næsten færdig hvilket jeg er stærkt overrasket over siden jeg havde 46 kg og to mega store kufferter. Men ja så er eventuret ovre og jeg skal hygge med venner og familie i sommerferien :) Efter tager jeg på Roskilde Gymnasium også kaldet Amtet.

søndag den 23. juni 2013

On my way home!!

Hey everybody!
Right now I'm sitting in Frankfurt airport just trying to pass the time :) my flight doesn't take off until 14.05 and it's 10.50 right now :/ Can't wait to get home and sleep in my own green bed again and be talking danish all the time.
See ya later!

fredag den 21. juni 2013


My flight from Traverse City to Chicago got cancelled and I got rescheduled to tomorrow (saturday) and leave at 4.08pm. I will then arrive in CPH airport sunday at 3.30pm :)
So the nervousness continues ruthlessly.

Dag 295: A picture of yourself and 5 facts about you(9 hours).

Torch Lake in the background.

torsdag den 20. juni 2013

tirsdag den 18. juni 2013

Dag 292: A picture of something you feel you've accomplished(2).

I feel like I've accomplished my exchange year. I've held out through the hard times and enjoyed the good times :)

mandag den 17. juni 2013

Dag 291: A picture of your phone(3).

It was 25$ and is very old design :P doesn't even have a camera.

Dag 290(Yesterday): A picture of a place you've been(4).

Behind me is Mackinac Bridge which is the third longest suspension bridge in the world!
(Denmark has the second longest - Storebælt mellem Sjælland og Fyn)
And I am standing in Lake Huron :) My new hostfamily took me there yesterday, which was really nice of them!

fredag den 14. juni 2013

Dag 288: A picture of something that made you smile today(6).

Eddie and I went to Torch Lake to go swimming and jumped off this rock, and we were just having a lot of fun :) I personally think these pictures are pretty cool. Enjoy.

First time kissing underwater. 
The view over Torch Lake from the pier in Alden.

torsdag den 13. juni 2013

Dag 287: A picture of the view from your room(7).

That's my view :)
So today I returned from Detroit and from having loads of fun with my grandma and her friends! We went shopping, went to see the film set where they were filming the new crime series "Low Winter Sun" and I saw the murder scene!! Pretty darn cool :P It's based on a true story and is about this Detroit cop who did all this bunch of bad stuff years ago and its kinda coming back to haunt him. You should look up the trailer on youtube :)
But it's getting late so I am going to bed after I unpack. And mom, i'm sorry to say that I bought more clothes... Not that much, since I tried to restrain myself, but still a few articles of clothing nonetheless.. sorry :/
But night!

søndag den 9. juni 2013

Dag 283: Detroit Adventure!(11)

Yesterday I came here to Detroit to visit some family I have here. Her name is Sandra and she's my mom's half brothers mother, which makes her kinda my extra grandma. She's SUPER nice and I like her a lot. I had never met her before yesterday, so I was hoping for the best. Today we went to a Detroit Tigers game and they won of course. Here's some picture from the stadium :)

torsdag den 6. juni 2013

Dag 280: A picture of something that means a lot to you(14).

My corsage from my first high school dance, the Homecoming Dance.

A picture of me and my date at Homecoming. His name is Jordan and we were dating at the time.
This dance was held on October 13th, three days after my birthday :)

onsdag den 5. juni 2013

Dag 279: A picture of something your mom bought for you(15).

My favorite belt and it's from Desigual. My mom got it for me as a christmas present :) I LOVE YOU MOM!
Og siden det er fars dag idag hjemme i Danmark.
TILLYKKE MED FAR'S DAG, FAR! :D Jeg elsker dig og savner dig utrolig meget!
I'm daddy's girl :)

tirsdag den 4. juni 2013

Dag 278: A picture of something pink(16).

As soon as I read the text for the picture today, I looked at my pink blanket and smiled. It's not really mine though :P
 It's Rachel's and I really appreciate her letting me steal her room and share her closet for a couple of months.
I'm gonna miss that girl!

lørdag den 1. juni 2013

Dag 275: A picture of you and your friend(19).

Me and John (My Indian friend). It's from one of our track meets where we were like 5 people sleeping in a pile,
and then me and John were on the bottom, so our friend Adrianna took a picture of us.