mandag den 12. november 2012

Dag 75: First bowling practise!

Today I had my first bowling practise! But I'll talk about that later.

I started my day with being late for school, because the bus took some weird extra long route. In my first hour I got pulled out after 20 minutes and told that I had to run down to the auditorium because of choir. It was Veterans day yesterday so the school first had an assembly for some of the middle school kids serving as practise for the people who had speeches, and us the choir who had to sing the star sprangled banner (USA's nationalsang). So we did that and at 11 o'clock the real assembly started. The choir were behind the curtains waiting until it was our turn to sing. The auditorium was almost filled up, so my heart was beating rapidly but we did pretty good. It was fun. So I missed the first 3 hours which was very nice.

But yes bowling practise! It was much harder than I expected but it was a lot of fun. More details and pictures will come on thursday (my next practise).

Anyways goodnight! Any danes check out this website

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