søndag den 12. august 2012

På engelsk.

This piece of text will be in english (surprise!) in honor of my friend sam in england.

Today I have been a zombie. Just walked around in a haze saying weird things and trying to eat my moms head (okay that part is a lie, but the rest is true enough). I've slept a lot and nothing ... Sooo I'll put in a picture and talk about that instead :)

This is me, Karoline (to the left) and Agnes (to the right) after we had done the 10km at Unicon 16. My time was 40 minutes and thats a personal record, so I am very pleased with that. Karoline came shortly after me and then Agnes as well. We were tired and sweaty but happy. We burned a lot of calories so all in all it was a great day.

But I'm really tired so I'll just sleep now .. ZzzZzzz

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