onsdag den 31. oktober 2012

Dag 63: This is Halloween!

Ja altså det er halloween idag så self skulle vi lige klæde os lidt ud og tage ind til Bellaire for at be om slik fra de forskellige butikker og huse rundt omkring. Et trick som jeg fik af vide var at hvis der var lys på terrassen så havde de slik, men hvis der var mørkt skulle man bare gå videre. Her er en masse billeder :)

A ghost and Ninja Turtle is my guess for the boy :)

My friend Nick as SuperWoman and me as SuperMan!

Best costume that I saw!

There were many different decorations outside the stores.

Saskia dressed as a German Exchange Student.

An AWESOME punkpin! Selfmade I'm pretty sure actually :)

All my candy! I have so much more than I can ever hope to eat.

I got so much candy!! Gosh and even after I divided it into what I like and don't like theres still so much to eat! I think I'm gonna bring a bunch to school tomorrow and just give it out :)

My first American Halloween and I had a lot of fun!

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